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What is a NuMAPAK?It's a pre-packaged hospital bag that contains everything expecting parents need to keep comfy, organized and prepared during days one thru four of parenthood. Making it easy to run out the door when it's time to welcome their new little bundle of joy!
Why Would An Expecting Mom Want A NuMAPAK?As magical as the miracle of birth is - the details of a baby's arrival are not what any expecting mom wants to think about. Let's all agree it's not the most comfortable time for a woman. Which means packing a bag for Baby B-Day is one daunting, nerve-racking, stress-inducing task on a long list of to-dos before the baby arrives. FYI: Most expecting moms procrastinate on packing their hospital bag! They wait until the third trimester when exhaustion, stress and swelling are at an all time high. Others never even get around to packing the bag. This isn't good for anyone. So to answer your question, "why would an expecting mom want a NuMAPAK?" .... because its done. It's ready to go. It has everything in it she, Dad and baby need to make Baby B-day more comfy, organized and prepared.
When should you purchase the NuMAPAK?For the ultimate "Overachiever" the moment the pregnancy is confirmed is the optimal purchase time! For everyone else, just remember that the NuMAPAK is about being prepared for that moment your little baby decides "it's time". So the sooner the NuMAPAK is in the expecting parent's hands, their car or their house the better prepared the expecting mom and family is for delivery day. The Ultimate Hospital Bag is ready right now so why shouldn't she be ready too.
Who Should Purchase The NuMAPAK?The Expecting Mom - she knows what's best for her and its ensuring she has everything she needs to keep comfy, organized and prepared for one of the scariest, happiest, most unknown times of her life. The Expecting Dad - when it comes to his new baby and the one to make it all possible, he's quick to make sure they are prepared so that they can enjoy all the little moments without The Expecting Grandma - The Best Friends - The Baby Shower Goer Who Wants to be the Celebrity of the Party - The Office -
What happens to the person who gives a NuMAPAK for baby shower gift?They become an instant celebrity. Time after time, we have received feedback from our gift givers and the stories are always the same. They became instant celebrities at the baby shower party! Everyone oooo'd and aaaaa'd as the gift was revealed and couldn't stop talking about what a genius they were to bring such a unique yet perfect gift to prepare the soon to be parents.
I Think NuMAPAK Is On To Something, What Should I Do?"Spread the word! If you think we are on to something good here, then tell everyone you know about NuMAPAK and how it's preparing expecting parents for days one thru four of parenthood. The scariest hood out there.
Is the NuMAPAK bag a diaper bag?The NUMAPAK bag is designed to be whatever you need it to be with lots of class and functionality. It is a completely open space bag that provides you endless options and easily convert to your lifestyle.
HELP, we are on our way to the hospital in Southern California, without a bag!"Southern California expecting parents, we have your delivery covered! Are you one of the expecting parents that is on their way to the hospital to welcome their new baby and you never got around to packing your hospital bag?! No worries, because we are based in Southern California we can have your bag to you as quickly as Southern California traffic allows. Call our ASAPDelivery line at 555) 555-5555 to have your NuMAPAK delivered to your hospital room.
This Product Needs To Be In The NuMAPAK, Who Should I Tell?"Do you know a product that needs to be inside future NuMAPAKs? Tell us! We are commited to being NuMA Ambassadors - ensuring our new mothers have everything they need to stay comfy, organized and prepared. If there's something we can bring to our expecting parents to ensure we keep up-to-date with product and process, please email us at
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